Sky Tree

Sky Castle.png

In this painting, floating tree with small part of building is slowly flying up to the sky. Because it’s so high up in the sky, the color change from light blue to dark blue. My image is abstrict becasuse people can still realize there is a tree and pile of dirt in it.

I used diminution techniques through my painting to show depth. I overlapped some clouds in front of the floating island. The size of leaves are smaller and darker in the back, and the details of dirt disappear into the distance.

Overall, I would judge the success of my composition to be average. I’ve used symmetry balance. The tree in the back is my focal area of my composition because it got the most light color. When I consider the unity of design, I can see that I’ve used proximity to bring it all together. I did not use variety, I think. If I had more time, I would make two trees instead of one tree to show their difference.

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