Movie Poster

movie posterThis is a sci-fi genre movie about an evil galactic army rising up to control entire universe. I chose this type of title because it’s close to old style Japanese movie. Hard fount with outer glow. It’s difficult to write the Japanese because I can’t type Japanese on keyboard. So I  have to screen shot google translate as a photo and put it on the picture. Also because of my old galactic army symbol was copyrighted, I have to design a whole new one to put in the back.

High Contrast Painting

High ContrastThe change with threshold for m painting is making it a little more serious, just a little. But I would try to make the picture more serious than now. For the finished piece, I like the vest the most because it shows surprisingly detail on it. To make my picture better, next time I will make my face line more stand out, instead of draw it out myself.